We arrive at Malta´s airport around midnight, so there is no other way than to take a cab to our apartment. A particularity of Malta´s taxi services are the standard charges for certain routes. If you set off directly from the airport, you have to order a taxi on the counter. Our taxi driver drives about a hundred kilometers per hour. He holds his cellphone in one hand as he is searches for our address. He hardly touches the wheel with the other hand.
This island is neither for pedestrians nor for cyclists. Cars drive too fast on the
left side of the road, and the sidewalks are too narrow. Finally, we reach our
destination without any bodily harm.
The key of the apartment is hidden in a small black vault. It feels to us like the end of the world. Behind the narrow wall covered with countless numbers of woodlice grow high prickly pears surrounded by little garbage dumps.
The key of the apartment is hidden in a small black vault. It feels to us like the end of the world. Behind the narrow wall covered with countless numbers of woodlice grow high prickly pears surrounded by little garbage dumps.
The next day we reach Cirkewwa- a harbour situated on the northernmost part of Malta- by public transport. The journey from the
airport to the harbour takes approximately an hour and a half with the X1 bus. We contentedly observe Malta´s countryside through the bus window. The Maltese
landscape at the beginning of October gives an arid und tired impression.
ferry takes us from the harbour of Cirkewwa within thirty minutes to the
island, where (according to Greek mythology) the beautiful nymph Calypso used
to live. In front of her cave most likely prickly pears and
oleander-bushes grew as she allured Odysseus who
was swept ashore on a mast after a storm. Seven years later the gods Zeus and Mercury forced her to release Odysseus back
Agriculture in Gozo |
Gozo- first impressions |
Na Maltu
prilietame až okolo polnoci, takže si k apartmánu objednáme taxík.
Osobitosť taxi služieb Malty sú presne stanovené ceny za určité vzdialenosti.
Do nášho apartmánu vzdialeného asi sedem minút si to miestny taxikár dáva asi
stokilometrovou rýchlosťou. V jednej ruke drží mobil- hľadá adresu,
v druhej volant.
Tento ostrov nie je ani pre chodcov, ani pre cyklistov.
Autá jazdia prirýchlo- navyše po ľavej strane cesty- a chodníky sú priúzke. Nakoniec
bez ujmy na zdraví dorazíme do cieľa. Kľúč od apartmánu je skrytý v malom
čiernom trezore. Cítime sa ako na konca sveta. Za nízkym múrikom pokrytým
nespočetným množstvom žižiaviek rastú vysoké opuncie obklopené haldami
Na druhý deň
sa verejnou dopravou prepravíme až do prístavu Cirkewwa. Cesta z letiska
do prístavu trvá autobusom X1 približne hodinu a pol. Maltu si spokojne
a celkom postačujúco obzeráme len z okna autobusu. Začiatkom októbra
už krajina pôsobí unaveným a vyprahnutým dojmom. Z prístavu Cirkewwa nás
v priebehu tridsiatich minút kompa preváža na ostrov, kde podľa gréckej
mytológie žila krásna nymfa Kalypso.
Pred jej jaskyňou pravdepodobne rástli
kríky opuncií a oleandrov, keď k sebe prilákala na úlomku stožiara
stroskotaného Odysea. Až po siedmich rokoch ju Bohovia Zeus a Merkúr
prinútili prepustiť Odysea domov.
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