On the way to Eswatini we stop at the confluence of
the Treur River und Blyde River. As a result of flowing
water, red sandstone was eroded here gradually and a canyon, which grew into
the Blyde River Canyon, was formed. Rotating
rocks ground picturesque formations into the riverbed, named Bourke´s Lock Potholes after the gold
digger Tom Bourke. It is said that he
found his luck here in the form of a small amount of gold.
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Bourke´s Lock Potholes |
Then we continue along the winding Panaroma Route towards Eswatini´s Malolotje National Park. As we approach
Eswatini the surrounding landscape changes. We drive through the Barberton Greenstone Belt, one of the
oldest mountain ranges in the world, which extends from the South African
region of Mpumalanga to Eswatini. The
green belt of hills where the oldest microorganisms on earth have been found,
nicknamed Genesis of Life, stretches across the horizon. The grassy hills with areas of barren land are partly covered with rocks, parts are overgrown
with forest and the rest of them show off in their naked beauty.
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Barberton Greenstone Belt |
There is just one other car waiting at the border Bulembu/Josefsdal. The South African car
rental company gave us a special border crossing permit, which we show at the
border together with our passports. Before entering the Kingdom of Eswatini a
bored stout customs officer checks everything and asks about our plans. When
she hears that we haven’t seen a rhino yet, she bursts out laughing. Her
colleague first just listens curiously and then gives us a short lecture. He
explains that the traditional sport of his country is soccer and that the last
snow which fell in Eswatini was in 1996. Then they let us go.
Eswatini belongs to the countries in the world with
the highest prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 (27,2 %).Almost 40% of women with a
first pregnancy in Eswatini are infected with the deadly HIV. According to the
organization Hand in Hand Wiesbaden there are over 40,000 children who are AIDS
orphans and have lost their parents to AIDS. The Covid-19-virus put the entire
nation into even bigger dire straits, even though people and mainly children
suffered here also before the Covid crisis from starvation as well as due to
the high AIDS rates. Organizations such as Hand in Hand eV Wiesbaden (with its sister organization Hand in Hand Austria) have already
implemented over 300 aid projects in Eswatini within the last 15 years and
therefore provide many thousands of people with sustainable “help for
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Landscape near the road to Malolotje National Park (Direction Piggs Peak)
Two white cows stand on the road beyond the border. We
continue driving on the steep und bumpy MR20
road with views of the burned deforested hills divided by zigzag forest paths in
the direction of Piggs Peak. The
original forests were replaced by monocultural pine forests. These have mainly
industrial use for wood production.
In Piggs Peak we
drive through a busy main street past supermarkets, a bank and a petrol
station. At the end of the street we find a street sign directing us to Malolotje National Park, our transit
stop on the way to HLANE National Park.
Then we continue driving along the well maintained
asphalt road MR21. The good quality
infrastructure is built mainly around larger cities such as Mbabane or Manzini.
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© Franz Edler, Roundabout in Mbabane, Gwamile Street
After arriving at Malolotje
National Park the laughing receptionist gives us various brochures and
explains that they have many protected animals in the National Park including
the special wolf Proteles cristata which,
however, no one has ever seen yet. Is it possible that it does not really
exist? Nobody knows. There is no electricity in the campsite as well as not
enough hot water, only as much as the staff heats up in a large boiler.
Endemic antelopes called Blesbok graze on green pastures and the day begins to mix with the
night like a Czech “cut beer”. The sky is pierced by bright stars grouped into
completely different formations than in the northern hemisphere. Our only
neighbors are a group of polite South African scouts who diligently collect´
wood for a hot shower. Large beetles similar to our cockchafers fly around and
I suddenly feel the need to stay here for a few more days. However, next day we
head to HLANE National Park.
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Malolotje National Park
Cesta do
Na ceste do Svazijska sa zastavíme pri sútoku riek Treur River a Blyde
River. Pod vplyvom tečúcej vody tu erodoval červený pieskovec a postupne
vznikol kaňon, ktorý sa rozrástol do kaňonu Blyde
River. Rotujúce skaly vymyli do útesov malebné útvary pomenované Bourke´s Luck Potholes po zlatokopovi Tomovi Bourkovi. Ten tu vraj našiel
svoje šťastie vo forme malého množstva zlata.
Pokračujeme po kľukatej Panorama
Route smerom do svazijského Národného parku Malolotje. Kľukatou cestou prechádzame cez Barberton Greenstone Belt-jedným z najstarších pohorí na
svete, ktoré z juhoafrického regiónu Mpumalanga
siaha až do Svazijska. Zelený pás kopcov, kde sa našli najstaršie
mikroorganizmy na zemi, prezývaný Genesis
of Life, sa tiahne po celom horizonte. Trávnaté kopce s neúrodnou
zemou sú časťami pokryté skalami, časťami zarastené lesom a zvyšok
z nich sa predvádza vo svojej nahej kráse.

Na svazijskej hranici Bulembu/Josefsdal
čaká okrem nás ešte jedno auto. Od juhoafrickej požičovne áut si treba vypýtať
špeciálne povolenie na prechod cez hranice, ktoré na hraniciach predložíme
spolu s našimi pasmi. Pred vstupom do svazijského kráľovstva nám znudená
korpulentná colníčka všetko kontroluje a pýta sa na naše plány. Keď
počuje, že sme ešte nikde nevideli nosorožca, nahlas sa rozrehoce. Jej kolega
zvedavo načúva a dá sa s nami do reči. Dozvieme sa, že tradičným
svazijským športom je soccer s sneh tam mali naposledy v roku
Za hranicami na ceste postávajú dve biele kravy a po strmej
a hrboľatej ceste MR20 s výhľadmi
na vypálené, odlesnené kopce prerývané cikcakovitými lesnými cestami pokračujeme
do prvého mestečka Piggs Peak. Pôvodné
lesy nahradili monokultúrne borovicové lesy, ktoré majú najmä priemyselné
využitie v oblasti drevovýroby.
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Endemické antilopy v Národnom parku Malolotje
V Piggs Peak prechádzame
rušnou hlavnou ulicou popri supermarketoch, banke aj benzínke a na konci
objavíme tabuľu s nápisom Malolotje
National Park. Ďalej už pokračujeme po dobrej asfaltovej ceste MR21. Infraštruktúra je vybudovaná najmä
v okolí väčších miest ako Mbabane či
Do Národného parku Malolotje dorazíme
so západom slnka. Vysmiata recepčná nám podáva prospekty a tvrdí, že
v Národnom parku majú veľa chránených zvierat, okrem iného aj zvláštneho
vlka Proteles cristata, ktorého však
ešte nikdy nikto nevidel. Vraj je možné, že vôbec neexistuje.
V kempingu nie je elektrika a teplej vody je dostatok najmä
v skorých ranných hodinách, keď zamestnanci poriadne prikúria do veľkého
kotla. Po zelených pasienkoch sa pasú endemické antilopy nazývané Blesbok a deň sa začína miešať
s nocou ako rezané pivo. Obloha je prederavená žiarivými hviezdami
zoskupených do úplne iných formácií ako na severnej pologuli. Jedinými susedmi
je skupinka zdvorilých juhoafrických skautov a skautiek, ktorí akurát
usilovne zbierajú drevo na teplú sprchu. Naokolo poletujú veľké chrobáky
podobné našim chrústom a ja odrazu cítim náhlu potrebu zostať tu ešte
niekoľko dní/týždňov.